T h e I n v e n t o r
Dr. Igor Smirnov graduated from St. Petersburg Naval Academy in 1975, Faculty of Nuclear Physics (Fission Reactors) and Engineering with a Master’s of Science degree in mechanical engineering. Continuing his education into the next decade, he was actively involved in advanced research regarding the effects of low frequency electromagnetic oscillations (EMFs) on human cellular physiology at St. Petersburg State University, graduating in 1986 with his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology.
His advanced research and study of the psychosomatic development of children swimming in infancy was conducted at St. Petersburg Children Hospital. The results of his research were significant enough to be published by the World Health Organization in Munich, Germany. His research has been published in the St. Petersburg University Press, and in peer reviewed magazines such as Explore Magazine, The Electric Space Craft Journal, The Electronic Journal of Biotechnology, and The European Journal of Scientific Research.
Dr. Smirnov lectures extensively and makes speeches at international scientific congresses and conferences such as International Biophysics Congress (2008), Anti-Aging International Conferences (2003-2008), International Microwave Symposium (2007), Bioelectromagnetic Society Annual Meetings (2004-2007), Rutgers Symposium on Lunar Settlements (2007), The Society for Physical Regulation in Biology and Medicine Conference (2006), Thailand National Cancer Center Symposium (2005), Thailand Ministry of Public Health and The Chemistry Society of Thailand Meeting (2005), Asia-Pacific Electromagnetic Fields Conference (2004), The First Asia and Oceanic Congress for Radiation Protection (2002), Effects of EMR on Biological Systems Conference (2000). He is a President of Global Quantech, Inc., biotechnological research company, and a Member of the Bioelectromagnetics Society of America, the Biophysical Society and the Association of American Engineers.
After the catastrophic nuclear plant radiation leak at Chernobyl, Russia in 1986, which caused more than three million cases of cancer, Dr. Smirnov and his scientific team investigated the normalizing effect of certain mountain spring water on victims of the radioactive fallout which lead to his invention of the Molecular Resonance Effect Technology (MRET). He has been awarded two United States patents “Method and Device for Producing Activated Liquids and Methods of Use Thereof” and “Electromagnetic Radiation Shielding Material and Device”.
His most recent publications relevant to the Corona Virus Pandemic was published on May 2020.
MRET Technology validated by US Patent
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