F r e q u e n t l y A s k e d
Q u e s t i o n s
Q: How does MRET Activated Water benefit me?
MRET Activated Water can help to slow down the aging process, enhance cellular hydration and nutrient transport, increase the energy level, increase detoxification of the body, strengthen the immunity system, rejuvenate and moisturize the skin and help in the overall healing process of the body.
Q: Can I wash fruits and vegetables with MRET Activated Water?
Yes, it actually keeps the washed vegetables and fruits longer and fresher in the refrigerator.
Q: How does MRET Activated Water improve cell hydration?
The ability to restructure water so that it becomes bio-available to our cells takes up energy, this ability decreases with age. Notice how older persons are unable to have more elastic skin? The cells are basically dehydrated and no matter how much liquid is consumed, little or no improvements can be noticed. This is because liquid is not adequately absorbed at the cellular level. The cells will readily absorb MRET Activated Water, being bio-available.
Q: Can MRET water benefit health issues like cancer?
Oncology research on 500 mice under the supervision of Professor Vladimir Vysotskii at Kyiv Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology, Ukraine Academy of Science provided the following results: MRET water increased the life span of mice by 61% and inhibited the tumour growth by 76% (during 3 weeks testing). The scientific investigations in vitro conducted under the supervision of Patrick Pezzoli, Ph.D. at AltheaDx Technology, San Diego confirmed that MRET water significantly inhibited the growth of HeLa cancer cells by 54% (after 24 hours incubation)
Q: Does MRET contain minerals?
It depends on the source of the water. If you use water that is enriched with minerals, then there are minerals in the MRET water. We recommend you to use the drinking water, unless you have a very clean supply or pass it through a filtration process before activation.
Q: Is MRET technology a filtration system?
It is not a filtration system. The water being treated will not come into contact with the activator.
Q: Can I use MRET water to shower or wash hair?
Yes. The research confirmed the reduction of free radicals following the process of MRET activation and particularly the reduction of ions of calcium and magnesium (hardness of water). As a result the water is ‘softer’ which helps you having smoother, softer skin and shinier hair.
Q: How much and how regular should I drink MRET Activated water?
Scientific research indicates that a person should drink at least eight glasses of water daily. You are encouraged to drink as much as possible.
Q: Can I wash in MRET Activated Water?
Yes, the enhanced hydrogen bond actually balances the water’s pH, making it “softer”. Some users reported positively on improved skin conditions, faster healing of wounds and a good therapeutic effect on skin
Q: Can I use MRET water for cooking and activating other liquid?
Yes! You can cook on MRET water and activate other liquids such as milk, juice, vegetable oil, wine, etc. According to testimonials the taste of many products is improved after MRET activation.
Q: Can I store MRET water in a metal container?
It is better to store MRET water in a glass, plastic, or ceramic container. Short-term storage in metal containers like a sport bottle is okay.
Q: Does MRET Activated water contain any drug or preservatives?
No, MRET Activated Water System works on a non-contact principle. The Activator will not come into contact with water being treated. It will not add or release any foreign substance into water.
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